Course Outline

EDU794 Teaching Senior Secondary Psychology

Course Coordinator:David Hills ( School:School of Education and Tertiary Access

2024Semester 2

UniSC Sunshine Coast

UniSC Moreton Bay

Blended learning Most of your course is on campus but you may be able to do some components of this course online.

Please go to for up to date information on the
teaching sessions and campuses where this course is usually offered.

What is this course about?


This course explores curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting for Queensland Senior Secondary Science Syllabi, Years 11 and 12. You will learn about current trends and best practice in science education. You will apply your knowledge of your science discipline and pedagogical strategy to design and evaluate quality learning and assessment activities for Queensland senior psychology.

How will this course be delivered?

Activity Hours Beginning Week Frequency
Blended learning
Learning materials – You are required to engage and interact with asynchronous materials and activities accessed through Canvas modules, course readings and required texts. 2hrs Week 1 9 times
Tutorial/Workshop 1 – You are required to attend weekly tutorial/workshop activities on campus. 2hrs Week 1 10 times

Course Topics

  • The Queensland Senior Science (Psychology) Syllabus
  • Inquiry learning, curriculum, planning and and alignment of content, pedagogy and assessment
  • Teaching and learning strategies for engagement of diverse learners
  • Assessment and reporting practices in senior sciences
  • Designing psychology investigations
  • Integrating resources including information and communication technologies (ICT) into senior science (psychology) curriculum
  • Literacy and numeracy in senior science (psychology)
  • Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, culture and knowledge in senior science curriculum


What level is this course?

700 Level (Specialised)

Demonstrating a specialised body of knowledge and set of skills for professional practice or further learning. Advanced application of knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts.

What is the unit value of this course?

12 units

How does this course contribute to my learning?

Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course, you should be able to... Graduate Qualities Mapping Completing these tasks successfully will contribute to you becoming... Professional Standard Mapping * Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
1 Demonstrate mastery of your application of Psychology content and Senior Secondary curriculum knowledge in developing inquiry sequences, teaching and learning activities and assessment. Creative and critical thinker
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
2 Apply deep knowledge of teaching and learning strategies that support the diversity of learners engaged in Senior Secondary Psychology Knowledgeable
2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1
3 Develop and apply deep understandings of principles of assessment and reporting that monitor senior students' levels of achievement and progress in Senior Secondary Psychology Knowledgeable
5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
4 Apply deep knowledge of planning, resourcing, teaching and managing to create learning experiences for students of Senior Secondary Psychology Knowledgeable
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1
5 Employ effective language, structure and text to communicate curriculum strategies and ideas. Knowledgeable

* Competencies by Professional Body

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.2 Content selection and organisation: Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence.
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting: Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans.
2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians: Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.
2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies: Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching strategies and their application in teaching areas.
2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students.
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals: Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for students of varying abilities and characteristics.
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs: Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and effective teaching strategies.
3.3 Use teaching strategies: Include a range of teaching strategies.
3.4 Select and use resources: Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning.
3.5 Use effective classroom communication: Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student engagement
4.1 Support student participation: Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.
4.2 Manage classroom activities: Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour: Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour.
4.4 Maintain student safety: Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and safety working within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically: Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.
5.1 Assess student learning: Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning.
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning: Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning
5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements: Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.
5.4 Interpret student data: Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.
5.5 Report on student achievement: Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/ carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement

Am I eligible to enrol in this course?

Refer to the UniSC Glossary of terms for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites”.


Enrolled in Program ED706


Not applicable


Not applicable

Specific assumed prior knowledge and skills (where applicable)

Psychology content knowledge from undergraduate degree.

How am I going to be assessed?

Grading Scale

Standard Grading (GRD)

High Distinction (HD), Distinction (DN), Credit (CR), Pass (PS), Fail (FL).

Details of early feedback on progress

In Week 2 you will work in groups to develop formative group conversation skills similar to those assessed in Task 1 for feedback and practice. 

Assessment tasks

Delivery mode Task No. Assessment Product Individual or Group Weighting % What is the duration / length? When should I submit? Where should I submit it?
All 1 Oral Individual 25%
10 min presentation
Refer to Format In Class
All 2 Examination - not Centrally Scheduled Individual 30%
60 minutes
Week 9 In Class
All 3 Portfolio Individual 45%
2200 words
Week 10 Online Assignment Submission with plagiarism check
All - Assessment Task 1:Leading a class discussion
The goal of this task is to demonstrate your capacity to engage students in Psychology through the use of engaging stimuli, activity or demonstration, and develop a class discussion around this concept.
Product: Oral
Submit: Week 4 or 5 per your tutor. You are taking the role of a teacher of senior students who is presenting a demonstration, activity or stimulus (real, modelled or virtual), and associated discussion linked to a key idea or key concept of the senior Psychology syllabus.
The stimuli, activity or demonstration, and class discussion must be based on 2019 QCAA senior syllabus subject matter. The purpose of this stimulus is to develop your ability to facilitate a class discussion using Socratic questioning, to engage every student in the discussion, and to guide the discussion towards desired outcomes linked to your curriculum
No. Learning Outcome assessed
Application of knowledge of strategies for discussion that support the diversity of learners engaged in senior psychology
Demonstrated understanding of curriculum content and pedagogical approach of senior syllabus in developing lesson activities
Employs effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills
All - Assessment Task 2:Exam
The goal of this task is to demonstrate your subject-specific curriculum and pedagogical content, knowledge and skills.
Product: Examination - not Centrally Scheduled
You will complete a short answer quiz in week 9, to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of topics from your tutorials including: 
• Psychology pedagogical and content knowledge for senior secondary classroom practice
• Science inquiry learning, curriculum, planning and teaching strategies that engage senior students, and their application in your senior syllabus
• Teaching strategies involving ICT, literacy and numeracy in your teaching area
• Integration of 21st century skills in your teaching area
• Purpose of formative assessment and feedback to students
• Personal reflection on practice

You will undertake the examination during your class time
No. Learning Outcome assessed
Demonstrated knowledge and skills for senior secondary curriculum, teaching and assessment
All - Assessment Task 3:Inquiry Science Portfolio
The goal of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of science inquiry learning in the senior Psychology syllabus and how to integrate inquiry into student experiment/research design using a 21st century approach and skills
Product: Portfolio
Prepare a portfolio that identifies, describes and justifies inquiry learning in school science that includes:
• an overview of inquiry learning for Queensland science students
• a range of inquiry approaches to mandatory practicals and suggested practical and research activities from your QCAA senior syllabus that include 21st Century Skills
• a brief analysis of what knowledge and skills students require for the QCAA Senior Psychology Student experiment or Research investigation. 
Note: if enrolled in Teaching Senior Secondary Science 1, you must choose a different task type (SE or RI) for each course. 

• an original, engaging three lesson sequence that demonstrates appropriate application of an inquiry approach to a QCAA senior science student experiment or research
investigation assessment
• A justification of your choice of resources, teaching strategies, and how you will challenge all students
• A description of diagnostic or formative as appropriate, including an explanation and justification of the feedback process you will use with students throughout the lesson sequence.
No. Learning Outcome assessed
Demonstrated application of deep subject content knowledge and Senior Secondary Psychology curriculum knowledge in developing teaching and learning activities.
Application of deep knowledge of teaching and learning strategies that support a diversity of learners, including literacy, numeracy, ICT and 21st-century skills as appropriate.
Applied deep understanding of planning, resourcing, teaching, managing and assessing learning experiences for students of Senior Secondary Psychology.
3 4
Employment of effective language, structure and text to communicate curriculum strategies and ideas

Directed study hours

A 12-unit course will have total of 150 learning hours which will include directed study hours (including online if required), self-directed learning and completion of assessable tasks. Student workload is calculated at 12.5 learning hours per one unit.

What resources do I need to undertake this course?

Please note: Course information, including specific information of recommended readings, learning activities, resources, weekly readings, etc. are available on the course Canvas site– Please log in as soon as possible.

Prescribed text(s) or course reader

Please note that you need to have regular access to the resource(s) listed below. Resources may be required or recommended.

Required? Author Year Title Edition Publisher
Required Lorelle Burton 0 Psychology for Queensland n/a n/a

Specific requirements

Not applicable

How are risks managed in this course?

Health and safety risks for this course have been assessed as low. It is your responsibility to review course material, search online, discuss with lecturers and peers and understand the health and safety risks associated with your specific course of study and to familiarise yourself with the University’s general health and safety principles by reviewing the online induction training for students, and following the instructions of the University staff.

What administrative information is relevant to this course?

Assessment: Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the ethical standard of university participation.  It ensures that students graduate as a result of proving they are competent in their discipline.  This is integral in maintaining the value of academic qualifications. Each industry has expectations and standards of the skills and knowledge within that discipline and these are reflected in assessment.

Academic integrity means that you do not engage in any activity that is considered to be academic fraud; including plagiarism, collusion or outsourcing any part of any assessment item to any other person.  You are expected to be honest and ethical by completing all work yourself and indicating in your work which ideas and information were developed by you and which were taken from others. You cannot provide your assessment work to others. You are also expected to provide evidence of wide and critical reading, usually by using appropriate academic references.

In order to minimise incidents of academic fraud, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks, when submitted to Canvas, are electronically checked through Turnitin.  This software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work to which Turnitin has access.

Assessment: Additional Requirements

Eligibility for Supplementary Assessment

Your eligibility for supplementary assessment in a course is dependent of the following conditions applying:

The final mark is in the percentage range 47% to 49.4%
The course is graded using the Standard Grading scale
You have not failed an assessment task in the course due to academic misconduct

Assessment: Submission penalties

Late submission of assessment tasks may be penalised at the following maximum rate: 
- 5% (of the assessment task's identified value) per day for the first two days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. 
- 10% (of the assessment task's identified value) for the third day - 20% (of the assessment task's identified value) for the fourth day and subsequent days up to and including seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. 
- A result of zero is awarded for an assessment task submitted after seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. Weekdays and weekends are included in the calculation of days late. To request an extension you must contact your course coordinator to negotiate an outcome.


UniSC is committed to a culture of respect and providing a safe and supportive environment for all members of our community. For immediate assistance on campus contact SafeUniSC by phone: 07 5430 1168 or using the SafeZone app. For general enquires contact the SafeUniSC team by phone 07 5456 3864 or email

The SafeUniSC Specialist Service is a Student Wellbeing service that provides free and confidential support to students who may have experienced or observed behaviour that could cause fear, offence or trauma. To contact the service call 07 5430 1226 or email

Study help

For help with course-specific advice, for example what information to include in your assessment, you should first contact your tutor, then your course coordinator, if needed.

If you require additional assistance, the Learning Advisers are trained professionals who are ready to help you develop a wide range of academic skills. Visit the Learning Advisers web page for more information, or contact Student Central for further assistance: +61 7 5430 2890 or

Wellbeing Services

Student Wellbeing provide free and confidential counselling on a wide range of personal, academic, social and psychological matters, to foster positive mental health and wellbeing for your academic success.

To book a confidential appointment go to Student Hub, email or call 07 5430 1226.

AccessAbility Services

Ability Advisers ensure equal access to all aspects of university life. If your studies are affected by a disability, learning disorder mental health issue, injury or illness, or you are a primary carer for someone with a disability or who is considered frail and aged, AccessAbility Services can provide access to appropriate reasonable adjustments and practical advice about the support and facilities available to you throughout the University.

To book a confidential appointment go to Student Hub, email or call 07 5430 2890.

Links to relevant University policy and procedures

For more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including:

  • Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs
  • Review of Assessment and Final Grades
  • Supplementary Assessment
  • Central Examinations
  • Deferred Examinations
  • Student Conduct
  • Students with a Disability

For more information, visit

Student Charter

UniSC is committed to excellence in teaching, research and engagement in an environment that is inclusive, inspiring, safe and respectful. The Student Charter sets out what students can expect from the University, and what in turn is expected of students, to achieve these outcomes.

General Enquiries

  • In person:
    • UniSC Sunshine Coast - Student Central, Ground Floor, Building C, 90 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs
    • UniSC Moreton Bay - Service Centre, Ground Floor, Foundation Building, Gympie Road, Petrie
    • UniSC SouthBank - Student Central, Building A4 (SW1), 52 Merivale Street, South Brisbane
    • UniSC Gympie - Student Central, 71 Cartwright Road, Gympie
    • UniSC Fraser Coast - Student Central, Student Central, Building A, 161 Old Maryborough Rd, Hervey Bay
    • UniSC Caboolture - Student Central, Level 1 Building J, Cnr Manley and Tallon Street, Caboolture
  • Tel:+61 7 5430 2890