Course Coordinator:Laura Gabriel ( School:School of Health - Midwifery
UniSC Sunshine Coast |
Blended learning | Most of your course is on campus but you may be able to do some components of this course online. |
Please go to for up to date information on the
teaching sessions and campuses where this course is usually offered.
In this course you develop the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, implement, and evaluate midwifery care. You undertake clinical experience placements across the maternity care continuum (160 hours). You will be supported and supervised by experienced practitioners and critically self-appraise your practice. Your facilitator will evaluate your work at a developing student level against the NMBA Midwife Standards for Practice. In addition, you will work towards meeting the required midwifery practice experiences for the program and continue your Continuity of Care experiences (Connect)
Activity | Hours | Beginning Week | Frequency |
Blended learning | |||
Laboratory 1 – On campus laboratory | 20hrs | Orientation week | Once Only |
Placement – Clinical placement within a maternity setting. | 160hrs | Week 1 | Once Only |
300 Level (Graduate)
12 units
Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course, you should be able to... | Graduate Qualities Mapping Completing these tasks successfully will contribute to you becoming... | Professional Standard Mapping * Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia | |
1 | Demonstrate a satisfactory level of midwifery practice according to the national practice standards for registered midwives at an advancing student level |
Ethical Engaged |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
2 | Know and behave in accordance with Midwife Standards for Practice (NMBA 2018) and International Code of Ethics for Midwives (ICM 2014) and Code of Conduct for Midwives (NMBA 2018) |
Ethical Engaged |
3 | Apply a reflective model to self-appraise your midwifery practice |
Ethical Engaged |
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.4, 6.1, 7.3 |
4 | Complete the allocated practice hours and demonstrate progress in meeting the required midwifery practice experiences for the program |
Ethical Engaged |
3.2, 3.3, 7.3 |
5 | Apply principles and practices of academic writing and referencing | Engaged |
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia | |
1 | Standard 1: Promotes health and wellbeing through evidence-based midwifery practice |
1.2 | The midwife accesses, analyses, and uses the best available evidence, that includes research findings, for safe, quality midwifery practice |
1.3 | The midwife uses health assessment and health education to support birth and reproductive health, and minimise the potential for complications |
1.4 | The midwife undertakes ongoing processes of reflection to ensure professional judgements acknowledge how personal culture impacts on practice |
2 | Standard 2: Engages in professional relationships and respectful partnerships |
3 | Standard 3: Demonstrates the capability and accountability for midwifery practice |
3.2 | The midwife practises within relevant legal parameters and professional standards, codes and guidelines |
3.3 | The midwife participates in own continuing professional development to maintain the required knowledge and skill base for safe and effective practice |
3.4 | The midwife contributes to a culture that supports learning, teaching, knowledge transfer and critical reflection |
4 | Standard 4: Undertakes comprehensive assessments |
5 | Standard 5: Develops a plan for midwifery practice |
6 | Standard 6: Provides safety and quality in midwifery practice |
6.1 | The midwife actively contributes to quality improvement and research activities |
7 | Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to improve midwifery practice |
7.3 | The midwife uses evaluation and reflection to inform future practice and professional development |
Refer to the UniSC Glossary of terms for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites”.
HLT202 and enrolled in Program SC393
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Limited Grading (PNP)
Early feedback will be provided by the clinical facilitator when completing the Progressive component of the Clinical Assessment Tool. This feedback includes assessment of your competency in all standards. The facilitator will discuss the deliberations with you and you will have the opportunity to provide comment on the tool during both the Progressive and Summative components.
Delivery mode | Task No. | Assessment Product | Individual or Group | What is the duration / length? | When should I submit? | Where should I submit it? |
All | 1a | Practical / Laboratory Skills | Individual | 15 mins |
Refer to Format | Online Submission |
All | 1b | Activity Participation | Individual | Refer to Format |
Refer to Format | Online Submission |
All | 2 | Portfolio | Individual | N/A |
Refer to Format | SONIA |
All | 3 | Placement performance | Individual | 160 hours |
Refer to Format | SONIA |
All - Assessment Task 1a:Scenario based clinical exam | ||||||||||||||||
Goal: | The goal of this task is to demonstrate requisite knowledgeable, safe midwifery practice, required for progression to placement. |
Product: | Practical / Laboratory Skills | |||||||||||||||
Format: | In the clinical laboratory you will complete a scenario based clinical exam. You will be allocated a scenario from a choice provided on Canvas. Details regarding the assessment will be provided by the course coordinator on the course Canvas site. |
Criteria: |
Generic Skills: | Communication, Problem solving |
All - Assessment Task 1b:Laboratory Participation | |||||||
Goal: | The goal of this task is for you to actively participate in the midwifery laboratories to develop the knowledge and skills required for safe midwifery practice. |
Product: | Activity Participation | ||||||
Format: | You are required to submit evidence of participation in the midwifery laboratories linked to your learning needs, for at least 3 of the 4 days in Intensive block. Details regarding the assessment will be provided by the course coordinator on the course Canvas site. |
Criteria: |
Generic Skills: | Communication, Problem solving |
All - Assessment Task 2:ANMAC Midwifery Practice Experience (MPE) | |||||||||||||||||||
Goal: | Evidence of progress towards your achievement of the requirements for ANMAC Midwife Accreditation Standard 3: Program of study. |
Product: | Portfolio | ||||||||||||||||||
Format: | Submit: Within 3 days after the completion of clinical placement MPE Record: Evidence of your MPE is collected progressively throughout the program and assessed in HLT132, HLT123, HLT207, HLT202, HLT311 and HLT312. Details regarding MPE evidence will be provided by the course coordinator on the course Canvas site. |
Criteria: |
Generic Skills: | Organisation |
All - Assessment Task 3:Clinical Assessment Tool | ||||||||||||||||
Goal: | The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate completion of allocated placement for this course and satisfactory competency based on the NMBA Midwife Standards for Practice at a beginning midwife level and as measured in the Clinical Assessment Tool |
Product: | Placement performance | |||||||||||||||
Format: | Submit: Completion of clinical placement. The clinical facilitator will complete the Clinical Assessment Tool including assessment of your competency in all standards and completion of the required hours. The facilitator will discuss the deliberations with you and you will have the opportunity to provide comment on the tool. This will be submitted to the course coordinator for final decision and outcome. Ultimate accountability for assessing students in relation to clinical practice (WIL) resides with the course coordinator and grades are finalised through the UniSC assessment policy and procedures. Please note: You will receive ongoing feedback as a formative and developmental process. A progressive assessment will be completed. In addition, if you are not meeting satisfactory practice standards at any point of the placement, learning processes will be implemented to support you to attain the necessary behaviours to satisfactorily meet each standard. Unsatisfactory behaviours which put client safety at risk or which do not adhere with the Midwife Standards for Practice, Code of Conduct for Midwives and/or Code of Ethics for Midwives criteria and standards may result in your removal from placement. If you do not meet each standard at a satisfactory standard you will fail the item. Please refer to the clinical handbook for details. |
Criteria: |
Generic Skills: | Problem solving |
A 12-unit course will have total of 150 learning hours which will include directed study hours (including online if required), self-directed learning and completion of assessable tasks. Student workload is calculated at 12.5 learning hours per one unit.
Please note: Course information, including specific information of recommended readings, learning activities, resources, weekly readings, etc. are available on the course Canvas site– Please log in as soon as possible.
Please note that you need to have regular access to the resource(s) listed below. Resources may be required or recommended.
Required? | Author | Year | Title | Edition | Publisher |
Required | Sally Pairman,Sally K. Tracy,Hannah G. Dahlen,Lesley Dixon | 2023 | Midwifery Preparation for Practice. 2 book set | 5th Ed | Elsevier |
Required | Sara Bayes,Sally De-Vitry Smith | 2022 | SKILLS FOR MIDWIFERY PRACTICE AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND 2ND EDITION. | 4th ed | Elsevier |
Required | Roslyn Donnellan - Fernandez,Maryam Bazargan,Clare Davison,Michelle Gray,Kirsten Small | 2024 | Pharmacology in Midwifery | n/a | Elsevier |
Students are advised that if the laboratory session has any formal assessment item(s) associated with it, these must be completed even if you have an acceptable reason for non-attendance of that class. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out the course coordinator, at their earliest convenience, to ascertain how they will meet the learning objectives. Failure to satisfactorily complete the tutorial/laboratory work and any associated assessment items may severely impede your chances of meeting the learning outcomes of this course. You will need to wear UniSC midwifery uniform and closed shoes that comply with the UniSC Health and Safety Policies to any clinical practice laboratory sessions. Your clinical placement may have specific requirements, and information will be provided during your placement orientation. UniSC uniform as outlined on Canvas is to be worn on placement.
Academic integrity is the ethical standard of university participation. It ensures that students graduate as a result of proving they are competent in their discipline. This is integral in maintaining the value of academic qualifications. Each industry has expectations and standards of the skills and knowledge within that discipline and these are reflected in assessment.
Academic integrity means that you do not engage in any activity that is considered to be academic fraud; including plagiarism, collusion or outsourcing any part of any assessment item to any other person. You are expected to be honest and ethical by completing all work yourself and indicating in your work which ideas and information were developed by you and which were taken from others. You cannot provide your assessment work to others. You are also expected to provide evidence of wide and critical reading, usually by using appropriate academic references.
In order to minimise incidents of academic fraud, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks, when submitted to Canvas, are electronically checked through Turnitin. This software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work to which Turnitin has access.
This course will be graded as Pass in a Limited Grade Course (PU) or Fail in a Limited Grade Course (UF) as per clause and of the Grades and Grade Point Average (GPA) - Academic Policy.
In a course eligible to use Limited Grades, all assessment items in that course are marked on a Pass/Fail basis and all assessment tasks are required to be passed for a student to successfully complete the course. Supplementary assessment is not available in courses using Limited Grades.
You must contact your Course Coordinator and provide the required documentation if you require an extension or alternate assessment.
Refer to the Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs – Procedures.
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For help with course-specific advice, for example what information to include in your assessment, you should first contact your tutor, then your course coordinator, if needed.
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